Our full list of services
Whatever you’re looking for, HBS Pharmacies offer a wide range of services dedicated to giving you everything you need.
FREE Prescription collection & delivery
We deliver your medications to your door, free of charge and at a time that’s convenient for you
Pharmacy First for minor ailments
FREE treatment from your HBS community pharmacist for minor illnesses and ailments.
FREE medication usage review
Our trained pharmacist can help review and explain the medication you are using.
Help to Stop Smoking
You’re four times more likely to quit smoking if you use NHS Stop Smoking Services.
- Repeat Dispensing
- Waste Management
- Public Health Promotion
- Clinical Governance
- Signposting
- Out of Hours Urgent Medication
- Chlamydia Screening
- Sexual Health & Contraception
- Supervised Consumption
- Needle Exchange
- Palliative Care
- Support for Self Care and Safe Use of Medication